
Anjeleca Daniel is a New Zealand born artist who finds transcendent inspiration and meaning from observing the natural landscape, its laws of opposites and its cyclical forces and rhythms. Anjeleca aims to facilitate a reflective viewer experience, with intimate, representations of these natural phenomena.

Throughout her life, Anjeleca has had strong associations with the Arts; these include studies in Music, Fine Art and Interior Design and nine years as an Art School Administrator. Anjeleca has formalised a life-long, love of the Arts, by completing a Bachelor of Fine Art with Honours (First Class) at the University of Tasmania, Australia, with a double major in Photography and Fine Art and Design Theory. Anjeleca works from her studio in Woodbridge, Tasmania.

Artist Statement

Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work … which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.

- Mary Oliver

My creative endeavours are contemplative musings, generated by the sense of wonder and enchantment I feel as I experience natural environments and processes. My mind and imagination become enveloped in a heightened awareness of the eternal, cycles of transformation in which I participate. I feel the joy of being one human life on our beautiful planet Earth. My objective is to connect a viewer with their still, quiet centre, from where they can appreciate and feel nature as part of themselves.

My work is focussed in an area adjacent to my home in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel area of Tasmania; a peaceful, rural environment, characterised by the interaction of space and light with land, sea and sky. Photographic methods I use include experimental, analogue processes, specific light treatments, in-camera layering and exploitation of the long view.


We thought your exhibition was a standout!

Aesthetically your work continues the great landscape tradition in Tasmania - a minimal human presence or manipulation in the actual photos, letting light do the work.

In short a lack of ego!

Janice Howard

Art Historian Deakin University Retired

© Anjeleca Daniel 2023

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